Solid Food! How to Make a Mess of Mush

All right, I’ve been promising to get into this solid food thing for a while now, so it’s time I put up or shut up.  So, hold on… here we go!

Remember our new partners from last week?  Those sad sacks that still had something valuable to offer those pups?  Well, those guys get to go to work NOW!

All right there, DuMor and BilJac. Time to get to contribute!  

When DuMor powdered goat milk and BilJac Large Breed Puppy Food work together, they make absolute MAGIC!  Palatable, digestible mushy food that even very young pups can ingest and keep down.  It even smells nice.  Kind of like a creamy vanilla milkshake.  NOTHING like Zen’s nasty Green Tripe!

First, figure out what you’re going to serve it to the pups in, and about how much you’ll need.  Little serving dishes are good. I shamelessly looted around in Rita’s kitchen, looking for likely candidates…

This one’s about 2 1/2-3 inches across and just a little too small for the pups.  Instead, I set it aside and put some gelato in it, for ME!  

These 4 inch ones are just about right.  There are 9 pups, and their noggins are still pretty little right now, so they can eat 3 to a bowl.  I was thinking. “This should work for my crew.”  Your mileage may vary, depending on the size and number of your pups.


I only put a couple handfuls of BilJak food in each bowl… and my hands are kind of small. I knew this was probably going to be overkill for the first time feeding any kind of solid, but I come from a long line of Ladies Who Cook.  It’s in my genes to try to stuff small helpless creatures full of food.  I can’t fight it.

Next, I whipped up the DuMor goat’s milk.  And I do, literally, mean “whipped.”  That nifty little gadget is a milk frother… also purloined from Rita’s kitchen.  One of my friends told me once that if I ever did a cooking show, I’d be half Martha Stewart, and half Dexter’s Lab.  Now, I kinda see what she meant by that…

I strongly suspect this is an “off label” use for this kitchen tool.  

Well, it may be weird, but it sure gets the job done.  The goat’s milk reconstitutes nice and smooth and has a sweet, appealing smell.  Puppies should like this a lot! Go ahead and pour it over the BilJak food, covering it up good.IMG_20160725_101526

As it soaks, it will expand.  Remember, we’re not just trying to soften it up, we’re really trying to dissolve it. These pups have NO teeth at all.  They’re just gumming it, at this stage.  So we’re looking for something that will go down easy.


Enlarged, to show texture!  Ha!  Look at how it’s starting to break up.  A little mashing around with a fork, a minute and a half in the microwave, and it’s warm and ready for their first taste-testing…

Tune in next time to see how it went. Muahaha!  Mine is an evil laugh! You are my captive audience!  You read this far hoping to see a puppy picture… you addict.  Ok, well, here you go!  Consider this a preview:

All right.  I set them out.  Do you think the puppies noticed, with mom in the box providing drinks at the nipple bar?  Find out next time!

This cereal, er, serial story installment was brought to you by guest blogger C.T. (“Chel the Chef”) Griffith.


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